A commitment to thorough tactical planning for Greater London

Don’t leave it too late to get prepared and don’t underestimate the variety of tasks you should complete for you and your family to ensure survival in Word War III.

What if a Topol (SS25) 800KT hits London?

One of many scenarios our comprehensive service of professional bespoke services caters to cover. Targeting families that have the financial ability to spend at least £10k to £500k over the next six to twelve months to implement our suggestions. Those who can afford substantial bunkers will be presented with suggestions that require more substantial capital expenditure. We consider this the most important investment for your wellbeing, just like an insurance policy that will likely cover you for things you do not wish to happen to you. If they do, in most cases it would be far too late to be able to execute protection measures without compromise. We are very cost conscious and we propose only what is necessary for each level of protection.

Depending on your region or query contact us:

London inside M25 mailto:londonteam@tacticalplan.uk

Southeast outside M25 mailto:SouthEast@tacticalplan.uk

South West mailto:SouthWest@tacticalplan.uk

Midlands and Wales mailto:midlandswales@tacticalplan.uk

North of England and Scotland mailto:NorthandScotland@tacticalplan.uk

Strategic Planning mailto:team@tacticalstrategy.co.uk

we are launching soon www.tacticalstrategy.uk , a corporate focused website dedicated to SME companies that want to prepare for such scenarios.

Prepare for the inevitable

Whether its food shortage, utilities not functioning, civil unrest, extended lockdowns or outright involvement of the UK in a long term war with all the above and other consequences. Preparing doesn’t stop at buying equipment or supplies but includes drill and training on effectively using it

Covering many scenarios

Analysis of how shortages will unfold or utility companies may fail, likely measures by HM Government and action plans as WWIII unfolds and what you would need to do to be prepared in each scenario as they evolve and change.

God only knows what will actually happen so we can only suggest what will cover each scenario and not advise you what you should do or which scenarios you need to cover. We do attach relative probabilities to these scenarios we present.

What shelter accommodation you need based on what you can afford

From 14 day bunker solutions, to “light bombardment shelters” with EMF/Faraday addons. Specifications and suggestions for tactical nuclear strike scenarios to larger nuclear bunker solutions for those who can afford it. All suggestions customized to your needs and with detailed contingency map.

Preparation based on location

Depending on where you are we will examine your limited options on establishing a shelter and accessing it. Remember the shelter or bunker is only one part of the plan. This preparation plans have been assembled by a multidiscipline team that has all the skills required to protect civilians in the UK.

Preppers equipment and skills

Going beyond what you find on YouTube. This includes what you need to have, how to obtain or prepare it, store it, be able to access it and how to survive. We are confident that within minutes we will tell you things that will ensure our appointment.

Financial Advice

We have FCA authorised investment managers with many decades impressive trading and macroeconomic background that can suggest and help you implement strategies for asset preservation in a world experiencing WWIII. (subject to client categorization and available to clients with liquid assets in excess of £1m)

NOW! its time you




Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele. We provide thorough solutions and we ensure they are kept secret and confidential. Don’t share our intel. That’s for your own benefit, you don’t want everyone. Nothing in our intel can be construed to be secret information or entice you to enter in anything illegal but secrecy is paramount to your plan working better.

What the preppers list in You tube don’t tell you you need

  • Discuss with high quality consultants
  • Ask questions on how to get hold of the right equipment.
  • Possibly join a group to share information.

The world you know maybe very different- do you have the right equipment?

  • It only takes internet to go down and all supply chains stop
  • It only takes one bomb in a NATO country for panic to start..
  • If panic starts, does the government have the resources to tackle many problems simultaneously/

“This group of companies helped us develop a truly thorough disaster recovery plan for our company and provided valuable insight on survival strategies for my family. ”


MD of a financial services firm – wishes to remain anonymous

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